Ja Shin Do Shadow Sparring Patterns

Fourth Kub Form (Blue Belt)

Last updated 26 June 2000


1. Turn 180 degrees CW to the S in R fwd stance with wedging block.

2. L belt height front kick, come down with R choke strike to the throat in L fwd stance.

3. R belt height front kick, come down with L choke strike to the throat in R fwd stance. Still facing S.

4. Pull R foot back and out to W for L cat stance with R face height backfist to the outside (W). Facing W (ventral S).

5. Shake out of grab, stepping R foot N in l fwd st (eyes W, ventral S).

6. Step L foot W to horse stance with L choke strike. Facing W.

7. R choke strike to the W still on same horse stance.

8. Step L foot up to R foot and out to W into R cat stance with L backfist to the face to the outside (W), eyes W (ventral N).

9. Shake out of grab, L foot moving S, eyesW (ventral N).

10. L foot pulls in to R foot, body turning CCW to face W; R foot then steps back to the E into L fwd stance facing W with R palm heel strike to face.

11. Pull R foot up, body turning CW to look E, knee height side kick to E; step down continuing to turn CW, execute L knee height roundouse kick to E; step down turning back CCW with R knee height roundhouse kick to E; step R foot back to S into L fwd stance facing N with double back fist strikes to the back (S).

12. R abdomen height roundhouse kick, immediate L abdomen height roundhouse kick, both to N. Step L foot down to W into R fwd stance (body E) with double face height backfist to W.

13. Pull R foot back to L and execute belt height sidekick to the S. Retract and step R foot down pointing S into L back stance executing a R face height backfist to the back (W). (Ventral E.)

14. Pivot CW 90 degrees on L foot to L back stance executing R backfist to the back (N). (Ventral S.)

15. Pivot CW 90 degrees on L foot to L back stance executing R backfist to the back (E). (Ventral W.)

Step back to goman.