Ja Shin Do Shadow Sparring Patterns

6th Kub Form (Orange Belt)

                                                    Last updated 2 December 2001


1. Turn 90 degrees CW; step out with R knifehand guarding block on R back stance. Facing E, ventral N.

2. Step out in L fwd stance, with L knifehand neck strike, facing E.

3. Pull R foot up to L foot, reversing CW, step out into R back stance with R outside forearm guarding block.

4. Step out to L forward stance with L hammerfist ear strike, facing W.

5. Pull L foot back to the R foot, pivoting 90 degrees CCW and stepping out in R back stance with L sudo guarding block. Facing S (ventral W).

6. Step forward (South) to R fwd st with R sudo neck strike.

7.Pull L foot up to R foot, pivot CCW 180 degrees and step L foot out to R back stance with L outside forearm guarding block facing N (ventral E).

8. Step R foot out N into R fwd st with R hammerfist ear strike.

9. L abdomen height front kick, retract, come forward with R cross punch to the North in L fwd st.

10. R abdomen height front kick, retract, come forward with L cross punch to the North in R fwd st.

11. Pull L foot up to R foot turning 180 degrees CCW to face S again and step L foot back N to R fwd st with double side kick blocks.

12. Reach out to lock palms behind assailant's neck, execute L abdomen height rising knee strike, step forward (South) into L fwd stance with R horizontal outside-to-inside elbow strike.

13. Reach out to lock palms behind assailant's neck, execute R abdomen height rising knee strike, step forward (South) into R fwd stance with L horizontal outside-to-inside elbow strike.

14. Reach out with fingers hooked behind assailant's neck, execute L abdomen height rising knee strike, step forward (South) into L fwd stance with R horizontal outside-to-inside elbow strike.

15. Pull R foot in to L foot pivoting 180 degrees CW to face N again and step R foot back to S to L fwd st with double side kick blocks.

16. Reach out with fingers hooked behind assailant's neck, execute R abdomen height rising knee strike, step forward (North) into R fwd stance with L horizontal outside-to-inside elbow strike.

17. Pull L foot back to R foot turning CW to face E and step R foot out to E into L back stance with R sudo guarding block.

18. Pull L foot back in to R foot turning CCW to face W and step L foot out to W into R back stance with L sudo guarding block.
